My First Fashion Show

It started from my attendance of a Wednessday evening City Church Wellington Life Group. I met Beca & she asked for male volunteers to help out at a fashion show. Being the sweet gentleman i am, i volunteered after a moment to queer silence...

On may way to the fashion show last saturday, i faced a rather challenging task of trying to gt to the venue by foot. After a long walk and some enquiries, i was at the bus stop infront of Nandos, Courtney Place, waiting for any bus that goes to the Newtown Hospital, which is within walking distance of the venue. Almost every bus from that stop passes the hospital so i easily found my bus and was on my way.

For the fashion show, i was assigned to the task of welcoming and giving directions to attendees at the front door. About 10 minutes after the event started, i got called in to view the show on some specially reserved seats.

The fashion show is held to raise funds for a FEMALE ONLY event called Pamperday. During Pamperday, the ladies gt together to relax and recieve some pampering in the form of beautifying treatments or relaxing massages.
Wad a wonderful thing to do!
Many young ladies who otherwise will not able to afford such a pampering might be able to gt it free on that day! I absolutely love the idea & wish all the ladies a wonderful time of pampering and fellowship!

I would have taken some pictures with the models but i had to hurry off after the show to work at Satay Kampong... DANK!
But i did take some pictures which i will share wif you here...

Me Wif The MCs

During the Fashion Show there were two outstanding performances.
First, there was a ballet performance where the 4 sweet young ladies danced beautifully to the Coldplay song, Fix You.
There was also Soundwave, a group of 4 young male singers, who sang harmony.
They were absolutely amazing!!!
They did not need music nor microphone and they were able to project their wonderfully voiced harmony across the hall!

Finally, here is a picture of Beca, the magnificent young lady who organised everything.
One thing that impressed me most about her is her humility.
Just look into her eyes and you can see her beautiful and kind heart.
God will do great things through her...
I can see that...

"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
- Chronicles 7:14

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