The Best Curry Laksa In Wellington

In an earlier post I commented that the Curry Laksa in Satay Kampong is the best in Wellington.

In this post, i will decribe it as detailed as possible to enable the reader, with a hint of imagination, to taste the wonderful dish.

One order of Satay Kampong's Curry Laksa costs only $12.50. As some people might know, laksa is a dish of noodles in soup. Therefore, curry laksa = noodles in curry. So you can expect the dish to be slightly spicy due to the curry that it's served in. The large serving of curry laksa comes in a shiny gargantuan white ceramic bowl and the dish can fill u up with some to spare! I dare say tat two lean girls might find it a struggle to finish jz a bowl of Satay Kampong's Curry Laksa!

Now i will talk about the taste and the experience of savouring this excellent dish. When the dish is placed on ur table, u will find pork meatballs, pieces of chicken meat and seafood on top of your curry-immersed egg noodles. You can start picking on the meat and seafood or, like me, you can mix it all up with the provided pair of chopsticks and Chinese soup spoon.

Start by taking a big sip out of the endless pool of curry. It is silightly spicy but smoothened by a sweet taste and made deliciously complete with a salty taste; simply wonderful! Take a bite of the slightly sweet & salty egg noodles and experience it's perfect texture; not too soft, not too hard... just nice!

nw take a sip of the curry before you chew and then... ahhhhh... satisfaction... feel the noodles slide down your throat with the curry... u'd think the curry was smooth as milk!

Start pecking on the seafood and you will find the prawns and pieces of squid fresh and stimulatingly bouncy; like chewing gum! The pieces of chicken meat you find in the dish is ntg to shout about... it's jz well cooked and yummy... that's all... but the pork meatballs!!!

The meatballs are a only in Satay Kampong original from the boss's hometown. Her mother prepares the meatballs from a mixture of finely minced pork, flavourings and some flour to make it all blend and stick together. However, be warned... it may look like your every day anywhere anyhow meatballs... BUT IT ISN'T!! Take a bite out of one of these ping-pong ball sized delights and you will find that it doesn't taste like ur every day anywhere anyhow meatballs; it's sooo much better! Chewing into a meatball is like chewing into a hash-brown... the meatball has a potato taste with a light meat taste and the hash-brown texture... minus the chewy bits and pieces of the hash-brown. Simply wonderful! AND IT ONLY COMES WITH THIS DISH!

Visit Satay Kampong, Wellington, New Zealand today and try this dish!

NOTE: If you would like me to serve you, I work on Monday and Saturday evenings (6pm till late) & I guarantee you a good time with me serving you!
NOTE: If you have more cash to spend, order a Supreme Seafood Curry Laksa (with the same noodles & curry but the only meat is plenty of seafood) for $15.50 which goes well with a glass of Chardonnay ($8.50). However, the dish does not come with the meatballs but I believe you can request for a few meatballs in ur laksa...

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