About Me

Professional Experience & Development
My Teacher e-Folio
My Teaching Philosophy
My Projects
My Resume
***the pictures are actually links too! =)

I have taught students from the following countries.

In a nutshell...

With some of my students at New York Language Center.

I'm someone who has benefited tremendously from the generosity & blessings of the amazing people in my life. Much of who I am today & what I have achieved has little to do with me. It is because someone cared enough to mentor me, share with me, or give me the opportunity to shine. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way. I pray that my Lord, Jesus, will return tenfold all the favours that I have been unable to. Also, may He bless you, dear reader, beyond your wildest dreams.

I just hope that I am doing enough on my part to pass on the kindness & grace bestowed upon me so that others may benefit, grow &, in turn, pay it forward in their own way. This is the ultimate pyramid scheme that will really change the world. One that I can be proud to be part of & advocate, which is one of the reasons why I share my knowledge & experiences on this blog for free. I want to use all the blessings I have received to bless those whom God has placed in my life.

My story is one which is full of twists & turns. Not many of my relatives could believe that I have become a teacher. As a child, I was quite a notorious boy in my family. Talk to my mother. She'll have loads of stories to share. Meanwhile, these are the highlights of my career as a teacher.

After doing well in SPM (the big exam after high school), I got a scholarship from the Teacher Education Department (BPG), Ministry of Education (KPM), & Public Service Department (JPA) to pursue a Bachelor of Education in TESOL under a twinning program between Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, & the former International Languages Teacher Training Institute (currently IPG KBA), Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur. In 2008, I was awarded the Excellent Practicum Teacher Award by IPG KBA.

I found my calling as an educator in the jungles of Katibas, Sarawak. In 2009, I was placed there by KPM because I basically told them to send me wherever they wanted. I taught at a remote secondary school (13-17 year olds) in the jungles of BorneoSMK Katibas, for 6.5 years. I have faced uncountable hardships, heartaches & back-biting as well as purpose, achievement & international recognition. In 2011, I was awarded the Excellent Service Award (APC) by the Sarawak State Education Department (JPNS). My work was also regularly featured in the news & media.

At SMK Katibas, I've collaborated with Teach For Malaysia, Generasi Gemilang, the US Department of State, like-minded youth, citizens 1 2 3 4, teachers & internationals. I have also been part of panels & provided training workshops for various KPM departments like the Curriculum Development Department, the Examinations Syndicate, the Matriculation Department, JPNS, the Kapit District Education Office, & the Song District Education Office.

In fall 2015, I became a Fulbright scholar & Master of Arts in TESOL candidate at the oldest education university in the US, Teachers College (TC) of Columbia University in iconic NYC, with a fully-paid study-leave from KPM. During my time at TC, I became the 2016-17 International Student Senator & ran several initiatives to build bridges between international students & their US peers. I also took part in the highly selective 2016 Millennium Train Project & 2016 Progressive Education Institute. After obtaining my MA, I took up teaching opportunities at Fordham University, City University of New York, New York Language Center, American Language Communications Center, & the Academy of Medical & Public Health Services.

During my time in the US, I facilitated several initiatives including a US-Malaysia Youth Video Exchange Project, sent postcards to 163 schools in Malaysia, a video conference with a secondary school in Malaysia, recorded a video for a special education school in Malaysia, & currently I'm recording a video of a landmark in NYC for each state in Malaysia.

I've given keynote speeches & presented at several conferences both in Malaysia 1 2 3 4 as well as in the US 1 2 3.

I want to make an impact in my field & I have a deep yearning to make a real difference in my Ibu Pertiwiku (motherland), Sarawak. I've witnessed firsthand the injustices experienced by my rural countrymen & my heart cries out for justice. Instead of merely complaining about it, like your typical keyboard warrior, I will leave NYC in 2018 to return to Sarawak & be the change that I want to see.

What if I were to fail? What if I embarrass myself? What if people laugh at me? I have failed, embarrassed myself & been laughed at multiple times in my life. It makes no difference if I am embarrassed some more. People only look up to you when you are successful. Until then, I don't mind being the eccentric hermit in the wilderness, for one day, I shall be the king of the hill. When I do, I will not be a mocker or boaster. I shall build up others & make many of my peers become so much wiser, richer & better than me. That is the ultimate legacy of a teacher.

I love tempoyak, laksa, football & motorbikes. My dream is to one day be able to teach without worrying about titles, awards, tenure, promotions, pay cheques & the favor of my superiors. I prefer to worry about what actually makes a difference. I can't do it alone. I'll need all the support I can get. What do you say? Can I count on your support?

Perhaps you would like to collaborate with me, ask me a question, slap me, or give me a pat on the back, contact me! I'd love to hear from you!

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