Support For DLP Math & Science Teachers

In 2020, Sarawak will spearhead the teaching of Mathematics & Science in English (under the DLP program) in 1026 out of 1265 national primary schools. It's happening whether you like it or not. The Ministry of Education has already carried out the training (costing 11 million fully paid for by the Sarawak government) & the teachers assigned to those classes will faithfully carry out their duties, ready or not. Additionally, district education offices have been empowered as the primary support for our teachers (on top of the tons of other stuff they have to do).

Now, here's the bitter truth: If Sarawak fails, the rest of Malaysia can forget about it. Most importantly, the ultimate victims will be OUR CHILDREN & I cannot stand for that. Therefore, it is imperative that ALL MALAYSIANS do what we can to support this program. Together with a few allies of education, here's our small contribution.

Hey! The least you can do is TAG teachers who might be interested & SHARE like everywhere!


- Teachers of Year 1 DLP Mathematics/Science in National Primary Schools in Kuching
- 2 Teacher Teams = 1 Math + 1 Science
- 2 Advisors = Dr Tamas Kiss + Jarod Yong
(We're both based in Kuching. But we're looking for qualified allies who can replicate this in other districts.)


- support in implementing an Action Research project (boost your professionalism & discover robust strategies for your classroom problems)
- involving teachers in 2-3 national primary schools in Kuching (testing in more schools validates results)
- no need to reinvent the wheel + looking for practical solutions
- can be completed within 6 weeks (Execution tentatively by February 2020)


----1st 2 Weeks----
a) initial meeting, with individual school teams, explaining the project
b) 2 weeks of teaching: collecting difficulties & problems in each school
c) group meeting of all participating schools to collect & analyze problems

----2nd 2 Weeks----
d) 2 weeks of teaching: confirm if problems identified are real
e) group meeting to work out a possible strategy to deal with ONE problem + decide on measure for data collection to be sure the strategy works

----3rd 2 Weeks----
f) 2 weeks of teaching: implement strategy + collect data
g) group meeting to compute & discuss results + decide whether we are satisfied with results/strategy
h) if satisfied, continue implementing strategy + prepare a simple write up for sharing/presentation/publishing

i) find suitable conference/symposium or academic journal
j) support with preparation of proposal/abstract/slides/presentation
k) go & share your amazing work with the rest of Sarawak/Malaysia/World!

Interested in joining one of the teacher teams in Kuching?
Interested in joining one of the teacher teams but not in Kuching?
Interested in becoming a mentor & replicating this in your district?
Please email me:

Most importantly, teachers, we want you to know that we've got your backs!

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