The Flash Flood

taken from

Apparently, I experienced a flash flood.
In less than 6 hours the water rose from 2 storeys underneath up to the height of your ankle.
The boy's asrama were the lowest so they got hit first.
Then, the school garden & the bridge across the garden linking the asramas to the academic blocks.
We were wading through river water by mid-afternoon in heavy rain.

It had the potential to rise even higher.
A few months ago, it was a storey higher.
But the rains got lighter & eventually stopped in the evening.
That was when the water started receding.

This morning, water levels were high but did not flood the school.
The weather is calm so there are boats traveling the waters again.
A headcount of both teachers & students were made revealing no casualties.
A cleaning of the once flooded asramas took place in the morning with everyone being mindful for centipedes & snakes.

I am currently safely tucked away at a friend's house in Sibu.
I will be returning to school on Sunday morning & teaching on Monday.
But I am expecting more flash floods of varying intensities in the future.
Thanks for your prayers!
It helped!

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