Dimana Saya Diperlukan & Kebolehan Saya Dimanfaatkan

I have absolute trust in my God & I know my future is safe in his hands.
This knowledge has allowed me to live my days in full confidence that everything can be turned around for good.

Any opportunities that come my way will be made the best of.
Any obstacles that come my way is an opportunity to identify & learn from the imperfections within myself.
This is reflected in my choice of university, practicum school & location for teaching.

When it came to making my preferences known for the university within which to complete my degree & the school where I will undergo 3 months of teaching practise, I wrote on a piece of paper:

When it came to making my preferences known for the location where I will be teaching for the government, I wrote on a piece of paper:
Dimana Saya Diperlikan & Kebolehan Saya Dimanfaatkan
(where I am needed & my abilities are justified)

Many of you reading this will gasp in shock of this seemingly foolish & careless act.
But I shall not be fooled...
Before I even write those words, I utter a silent prayer to God: requesting that I be put in a place that would benefit me most & allow me to make a good impact.
For He is the only one that knows what's best for me.

With my limited pool of knowledge, who am I to decide my future?
I'd rather take a leap of faith & wow the doubters with my testimony.
And so far, God has yet to fail me...

I was placed in Victoria University of Wellington where I experienced the best years of my life!
I learned a lot: not only in the lecture halls but also from working part-time with various employers.
I also had the opportunity to travel all over New Zealand. I visited every major city & attraction as well as the northernmost & southernmost points.
I have also spent time with many different outstanding individuals who believed in me, loved me & added so much to me.

I was placed in SMK Puteri Titiwangsa for my practicum where I witnessed an excellent school at work.
The principal, the staff, the fellow teachers & the students were all so supportive & so helpful in the 3 months to motivate me & mentor me in learning the ropes of being a teacher in the big city.
With their help, I achieved the high competency award for practicum.
They have also given me insight into what it takes to have a successful school.

And now, I find out that I have been placed in Sarawak to teach & nurture the new generation.
I would have actually preferred somewhere in semenanjung because that's where my heart is...
But I believe there are good things in store for me...
Here in the land of the hornbills...
Ibu Pertiwiku.

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