Released At Last!

4.30pm, Monday, 6th of November, was the time of great release...
The red sea of Trimester 2 was parted and the slaves were taken from slavery & captivity in the Egypt of chasing assignment deadlines & stupying for exams to freedom in the promise land of the well deserved holidays!

Before my release, I had...

1. Exam

Our first & last exam was at 9.30am on Monday, 30 October.
2 hr torture of "LING221: Sociolinguistics"

During the 2hrs...
I SPENT 30 mins of it in the toilet having relieving myself on the throne!
therefore, i did nt have the time to properly elaborate on my answers...
hoping for a B at least...

found out later that i cud actually ask for an aggregate pass or sumtin like that...
bt nah...
i think i will do better than a pass despite the circumstances!

Nesa looking more relieved after handing in the paper
than i looked when i came out of the toilet!

We crawled out of the lecture hall...

We werent alone...

2. School Experience

For two weeks, from 23 October to 10 November, we were posted to New Zealand Primary Schools for observation of teaching & school admin.

Except for Karori Normal School, where all 25 of us invaded at the same time, we were divided into groups of 4 to 6 ppl going into different schools.

Our first school was Karori Normal School
where we had a feel of wad a good New Zealand Primary School was like...
In this school, one teacher takes care of the one class for the whole year.

Then, i headed to Newlands Intermediate School...
Instead of being in the same classroom & waiting for the teacher to arrive (like Malaysia)
or having only one teacher (like Karori Normal)
The students here change classrooms & teachers for different subjects.

This is the class that i was assigned to...
They are heavily influenced by wreslting & r very very disruptive in class...
Very entertaining! =)

Clyde Quay School was my last school...
This school has got one teacher for each class for the whole year (like Karori Normal).

This is my kind of school!
The kids here play football all the time!

Of course i cudnt resist joining them...

I actually played football with students in ALL THREE schools i visited!
Although they were all amateur players...

How can i escape for work?
There was a 10 page portfolio to complete at the end of the school experience...

Our final debriefing was on Monday, 13 of November, where we did some discussion of wad we observed & comparing it to wad is in Malaysia & wad do we do wif wad we hav learnt.

Loved the kids...
Loved the football...
Splendid... Just splendid...

3. Catch-Up Task

On Friday, 3 November, i met my lecturer, John Macalister, to come up with a catch-up task for the one & only workshop that i missed...
I was at the verge of failing my "ALIN202: Language Curriculum Design" paper just because of ONE missed workshop... a course requirement is attendance of ALL workshops...

It wud b a really bad waste of money & hardwork as i put in a lot of effort in the paper & i expected nothing less than an A for that paper...

Therefore, I wrote a 4 full page report on curriculum design similarity & difference between the schools i visited & handed it in at 4.30pm Monday, 6 November...

Summer Plans

So... wad will i b up to in da holidays?

1. Work
I wana fill up my free time with money making...
since my work permit doesnt allow me to start my own business...
I shall work to prosper another person's business!

2. Holiday in Auzzie
This is definately something im looking forward to...
14 December to 16 Jan
Visiting Bribane > Sydney > Melbourne!

3. Finding Apartment
I need to look for a place to stay for the whole of next year...
Any1 know any 3 bedroom apartments available?

4. 5-a-side Football Tournament: Twilight Soccer
As some may know, im playing for the 8-man strong orange Wellington Malaysian Student Organisation team in a 5 on 5 football tournament happening every Thursday, 5.30pm.

5. Jogging
I picked up a NZ$300 Asics running shoe so i better be using it...
Running every morning...
im desperate for company...

Keep me in ur prayers...
Even one short prayer will really make a difference!

Thanks in advance!


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