My First Game of Mahjong!

After being curious about the game for a long long time...
I finally had the chance to learn the game last night (a few hours ago)!

However, i enjoyed being taught the game more than playing the game!
cz i got a really gorgeous teacher named Jenny!
I love her hair... wavy & long... i envy her...

Also she's jz adorable & gullible...
I pretended to be unable to read Chinese...
Pretended to be a klutsy fool...
Then, gav her a big shock when i won my very first game!

I got so attactched to the game that i went on playing for hours!
It was AWESOME!!!
(hehe... cz i won so many rounds!)

Many thanks to Ester Yap for arranging the wonderful after church get-together party!
Every1 hada blast...
even Jenny who is yt to win a round of Mahjong...

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