Farewell Goodies From SMK Puteri Titiwangsa

During my last days in SMK Putri Titiwangsa, both the students & teachers expressed their appreciation towards my colleagues & I.
They blessed us with gifts & entertained us with farewell parties!
I would like to acknowledge these kind people here on my blog.

My class, 1 Maju, threw me & my colleagues an awesome party with water balloons and lots of junk food.
I have been entertaining them for 12 weeks so it is fair for them to entertain me at least once...

Aimi's class, 1 Jaya, also threw a party for us the next day...
they wanted to compete with 1 Maju...
It was good, but I preferred the party by 1 Maju.
The party by 1 Maju was better organised & the students were really sporting.

I received cards from May Wan, Chin LiYing, Sarah Aiysha & The Lower 6 Students.
Thanks for your encouraging words!
It has brought a smile to my face!

I received gifts from SinYan (1 Maju), Vanessa (1 Maju) & Nur Najuah (4ERT).
Thanks for your gifts!
I love them & will definitely be bringing it to my future school!

I received choc raya cookies from Nur Amirah.
I don’t know which class you are from because you surprised me at the car.
Thank you for the cookies!
They were delicious!

The teachers also showed their appreciation:
Many encouraged us with kind words & jokes.
Pn Mary gave me a mini-stapler which will come in handy.
Cik Faridah gave me a stamp which says 'improved'. It will be put to good use with my future students.
A few teachers joined together to give me a brand new shiny ball-point pen!
They are: Tamil Selvi, G. Selvi, Aliza, Suzieany, Azita, Lee MuiYoke, Lim GuatBee, Koh PeakKee, ChinSien, Yap ChiewLan, Cheng KimLin, Goh BoonKiat, Ng GeokLeong, Lim SiewKoon & Add.

The Most Creative Gift

The most creative gift is a letter that came in the form of a really frustrating puzzle.

click on picture to read

Here is my response...

The Most Useful Gift
The most useful gift is a nail clipper from the farewell party organised by 1 Jaya.
I have been looking for the perfect nail clipper and I have always been disappointed with what I could find in Malaysia.
Thanks 1 Jaya! You completed my search!
This nail clipper will be my best grooming tool in the years to come!

Thank You, SMK Putri Titiwangsa!
I will really miss you!
The memories we share, I will cherish too!

Take care! Do your best!

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