Lunch @ MHC

Netball was quite good, eh? hehe...
Thanks to the netball competition last Sunday, where we met Pn Muss from Malaysian High Commission, we were able to arrange a lunch date wif her.

The venue: her humble adobe in the MHC compound
The time: 1pm, Today!

After waiting in the cold rain for a bus and travelling a vast distrance...
We were welcomed by the sight of a wonderful yummy-looking array of food for our famished travel-tired bodies...

There were Penang Laksa, Muscle & Sambal, Roasted Fish, Shark Curry, Chicken Rendang, Kuih-Muih and Teh Tarik & Keropok in the end!

The 6 of us, Nesa, Hadi, Najib, Azhar, Lennie & I, arrived at 2pm.
Waiting for us was Pn Muss, Farah, Moon & another sweet Malay girl...
why sweet? they masak 4 us mah!
They were JPA 2nd year students.

We started eating at 2.30pm, finished eating at 3pm.
Then, chatted from 3pm till 6pm!
But i cudn't tahan... too syok already makan so much!
so i slept from 5pm - 5.30pm...

We left wif our tummies full of food and our hearts filled with the joy of social intercourse...

Let's do it again sometime!

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