First Day At Work: Uni-Stop

Today was the day I was to be trained in using the "till", the cash-register machine. I met Geno at Ilott and he forwarded me to Uni-Stop where his wife, OT, was... She tot me hw to use the till.

I got the hang of it in less than an hour! hahaha... but i was really thankful that she was patient and forgiving... I was kinda blurr about the price of items at first... so i constantly had to ask the prices of items wifout a barcode... but everything went well and was I was great in the end! I could even remember certain prices of items in the shop!

I also got to know Geno a lot better today too... He came in later in the day and tot me how to arrange items on display and do certain jobs around d shop. He was very funny and loved to kid around... I find that a great quality! Makes me feel very comfortable working wif him! GOD IS GOOD!

Wad i learnt today:
- How to use a till.
- Many ppl i know shop at Uni-Stop.
- There are 2 seasons in Uni-Stop, there will be times when the shop is empty and suddenly, it's full of ppl lining up to pay.
- Making coffee isnt as hard as it seems!
- How to position items and refill the stock on display.
- After work, you get paid for the day's work in CASH! WOOT!

Looking forward to working again tomolo afternoon!
It's great that I found a job...
Even beter if i find two jobs...
To enjoy one... is heavenly...
To enjoy both... is divine!
Thank You, Jesus!
"Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
-Psalms 37:4

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