Where In The World Is SMK Katibas?

For those of you who are curious...
or maybe you're cursing your luck because you've just been posted to this school...
or maybe you're here to have a holiday while invigilating for our public examinations...
or maybe your a big shot official with a super secret mission to check out my school & it's the first time in your life you've ever heard of such a peculiar name...
or maybe you just don't care but had nothing better to do...

Well, whatever your intentions, here is a rough map of where SMK Katibas is as well as several other schools along the river (SK Nanga Nyimoh, SK Musah, SK Nanga Nansang, SK Nanga Janan, SK Lubok Bedil, SK Nanga Bangkit, SK Tan Sri Jugah, SK Nanga Engkuah & SK Lubok Ipoh):

How do you get to SMK Katibas?
First, you drive or take a flight or a bus ride to Sibu.
In Sibu, make your way to the Express Boat Wharf (near the Sibu Market).
Hitch a ride on an Express Boat that stops by Song on it's way to Kapit.
If there are no tickets left, you can choose to stand in the boat or sit on the stairs. Sometimes when it's really full, you will have to sit on the roof of the boat. You still have to pay though. When the conductor comes around, say "Song" & pay the RM17 fare (cheapest). It is a 2 hour ride.

What an express boat looks like. They can go really fast.
In Song, after getting off the Express Boat and climbing up the stairs at the wharf, turn around and take a look along the riverbed. You will see the Song Market nearby. After the market, you will see a boat jetty.
That is where you should go next.
In the mornings, there will be Passenger Boats that will leave the jetty at around 9.30am & enter the Katibas River. It will drop people off along the way. Let the driver know that you want to go to SMK Katibas & the driver will stop for you at the SMK Katibas jetty. The fare is RM5 to any destination along the Katibas river.
The Passenger Boats can be identified by looking for long boats with a canvas roof. They are the only ones with roofing. If you are still unsure, ask one of the locals about "Perahu Tambang".
All Passenger Boats cater to the Katibas River population so you can use any one of them.

What a longboat looks like when it's full of teachers & students heading back into the interiors.

The best time to take an Express Boat ride to Song from Sibu is before or at 7.30am.
This is because the Passenger Boats entering the Katibas river are only available at around 9.30am from Song.
Express Boats leave the Sibu from Song from 6am onwards.
Be careful not to end up on an Express Boat that goes DIRECTLY to Kapit. Again, ask a local if you are unsure.

See you soon!

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