School Schedule for 2010

Here is the school schedule for 2010 from Kementrian Pelajaran Malaysia.
Get your holiday air-tickets now while it's still cheap!!

Semester 1
Sekolah: 4/1 - 12/3 (10 Minggu)
Cuti: 13/3 - 21/3
Sekolah: 22/3 - 4/6 (11 Minggu)
Cuti: 5/6 - 20/6

Semester 2
Sekolah: 21/6 - 3/9 (11 Minggu)
Cuti: 4/9 - 12/9
Sekolah: 13/9-19/11 (10 Minggu)
Cuti: 20/11 - 2/1

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