No Computer In The Middle Of Nowhere

2 weeks ago, I left my computer in Kuching for fixing.
A diagnosis revealed that the RAM slot I have been using is damaged or faulty.
After switching to the other slot, my computer is working perfectly again.
Despite its age, seems like my baby has still got it!

Without a computer, I lived a different life for 2 weeks.
I work & live in the middle of nowhere. No roads. Not even cellphone coverage!
It used to be that my computer was my sole source of entertainment.
Therefore, having no computer in the middle of nowhere brought a definite change to my lifestyle.

With the time that I usually spend watching a movie on my computer...
I spent finishing a novel (Angels & Demons) & 2 research periodicals (Bicara Pendidik Sarawak 2006 & 2008).
From reading Angels & Demons, I found that the thrilling movie is so much better than the draggy novel. Too many unnecessary details in the novel.
From the research periodicals, I found several interesting articles but nothing much to add to my practice. Too many literature reviews or theoretical write-ups that look like they were recycled from a university assignment. Having more empirical studies would have made it more practical & relevant to the everyday teacher.

taken from

With the time I usually spend chatting or writing & reading blogs...
I spent with my housemate & colleagues.
As a result, I got to know many of my co-workers better & we have a greater sense of camaraderie.

This forced change was actually quite refreshing.
I would not have been able to do read so many books & get to know some of my colleagues better if I still had my computer with me.
It has opened my eyes to how dependant I was on a computer.

There's much more out there in the real world for me to enjoy!
It'll not be easy because of habits built over the years...
But I am surrounded by amazing people & an exotic wonderland of nature!
Time for me to make use of it!

p/s: perhaps you should spend less time in front of the screen too!

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