My Infatuation Continues...

In the morning of Tuesday, 2 Jan 2007, I was inspired (actually... more irritated...) with my Sydney friend's unending love for his Japanese idol, Ryoko Hirosue, so i decided to pick a young lady from a neighbour of Japan, Korea, as my new infatuation!
I picked Hyori Lee...

Little did i know tat i was setting myself up for the greatest discovery of all time!

That afternoon, the the gang (Nesa, Shawn, Seng, Khairil, Norzie, Shiela & Myself) decided to head down to the city central for a little sight seeing & a buffet dinner at Star City, the Sydney casino...
And as usual we had to endure a tedious 1 hr bus ride to the city from the subrub we reside in.

I was the last to get on the bus, in our group of 7, so i was seated alone at the front of the group who decided to occupy the last few rows of the near empty bus...
We chat a little to pass the time but after a while we depleted every topic of discussion...
Then, I decided to lean on the seats in front of me with my arms & lay my head on my arms as i enjoy the fly-by sights outside the moving bus...

Soon i caught a more than beautiful sight waiting at an emerging bus stop...
She was dressed in pretty black halter-neck top & a cute short black skirt... her hair was beautifully & fearfully made with a cute black ribbon on it...
even from that distance, i sensed beauty...

I studied her as she got on the bus...
admired her...
adored her...
in my heart, i grew fond of her...

but looked away, jz as she turned her head my way...
staring at the trees outside the static bus...
so that she wouldn't notice...
so that i wudn't be dissapointed...

but i needed to see her face...
i needed to know her eyes...

i turned back...
to notice her just avert her eyes...
her beautiful eyes...
she was looking at me...

there was a buzz behind me...
the gang was excited about this girl...
they described her as DEFCON 3...
she was a 2 to me...

she sat on the outer seat near the front of the bus...
far away...
but close enuf for me to adore her...
i admired her from afar...

she started powdering herself as she waited...
perfecting the already blemishless face...
i yearned to talk to her...
but i waited for the right timing...

she put her powdering kit back into her bag...
checked her hair with her delicate hands...
then she just sat there...
looking outside the window...

that was my time...
i stood up...
approached her...
tapped her shoulder...
my moment of truth...

"May i sit next to you?" i asked...
she was a little shaken but she agreed & moved into the inner seat...
it was difficult at first...
but we had a happy chat for the next 1 hr on the bus!

Her name was Gina...
she was from China...
studying business in Macquarie University...
she likes chocolate & sketching...

she is such a sweet little thing...
how i wish i knew more about her...
because i used her...
& left her...

Looking back i think i did something really stupid...
i tot i was not going to stay in Sydney long so i decided not to take down any contact details...
nor giv any...
she was surprised at our sudden parting...

We had a good chat...
I let her go without taking down her number...
forgetting the wonders of the internet...
we walked our seperate ways after the 1 hr bus ride...

but i managed to take one picture...
which i will greatly treasure...
till we meet again...
Gina, DEFCON 1...

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