Malaysian Night 2006

The evening of Sunday, 17 September 2006, was a night to remember...
it was a night of celebration and nostalgia...
it was the Malaysian Night.

It was memorable for me beacuse:
1. I managed to style my "bangang" kiwi saloon haircut and it was very astheticly pleasing to me.
2. Nesa & I managed to get 4 non-Malaysians to pay NZ$45 to join the event.
3. I performed quite well that night.
4. I got to mingle around and chat with some old friends I havent met in a long time.
5. My after party was watching Liverpool vs Chelsea at "The Establishment"!

Here are some pictures of the event...
I will attempt to paint a picture of what went on that night with the pictures plus some illustration.

The Intercontinental Hotel Ballroom

Silat (Malaysian Martial Art) Presentation
Once the VIPs arrived, a silat presentation started the event.

Lion Dance & Officiating
A Chinese lion dance followed the Silat presentation.At the peak of the dance, the Malaysian High Commissioner, Datuk Ahmad Sufian, was invited to officiate the night's event by unfolding a Malaysian flag.

The MCs
The Masters of Ceremony did a really good job throughout the night.But I still think that Aimi & I would have done a significantly better job...

Speech by The Wellington Malaysian Student Organisation President
Izu made a short speech.
He was nervous but did well.

Singing on Malaysian Night
There were many different singers on stage that night at different times to sing for everyone's entertainment.

Dancing on Malaysian Night
The was a dance performed by the renowned Malaysian Dance Troupe and a few other dances from other Malaysians.

The Sketch: P. Ramlee - Bujang Lapok
There was a very good sketch adapted from the P. Ramlee film, "Bujang Lapok".

My Performace: P. Ramlee - Hanya Di Kau
I managed to sing in a deep voice and pronounce the lyrics with native speaker like ability...
I was well complimented...

Aunty Rose of MSD even made me promise to sing with her one day!
Hahahahha! =p

3 of my best friends in Wellington.
From Left: Bart (Holland), Nesa (Pakistan) & Kaine (The Cool Kiwi)

Where were the other 2 non-Malaysians?
Mia (Bangladash) & Keith Young (Britain), a married couple with 3 children, had to leave early due to work commitments on Monday unlike us carefree students.

Our Soccer Shack: The Establishment (A Pub)

Watching the beautiful game with surround sound!
It was a really tight game between Liverpool & Chelsea on Chelsea grounds.
In the end, Chelsea won by a tight 1-0.
Liverpool had many chances but failed to score.

Nobody but 6 of us & the person running the place.
From Left: Chua "Ah Boi" (my boss from Satay Kampong restaurant),
Murty (the chef of Istana Malaysia restaurant), Kaine, Bart & Me.
Nesa was sitting behind Murty & blocked by Kaine.
For those of you who didnt attend,
Now don't you see that you missed out on a lot?
Dont you regret saving the small amount of NZ$45?

Money cant buy u happiness...
Invest it wisely on wad can giv u happiness...
I know everyone who attended the Malaysian Night 2006 did.


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