NZ 18+ Card

I finally handed in my 18+ card application form in today!

With the 18+ card, i hav a legal form of identification which i can put in my wallet and carry around conviniently with me all the time.
Therefore, whenever my identification is required...
be it during the purchase of alcohol/cigarettes/party-pills or before entering a club/bar...
i dont need to bring my bulky passport with me nor risk losing it.

How to get your hands on an 18+ card?It takes around 30mins to apply for one.
Bring with you:
- Passport
- 1 passport-sized headshot photo
- Proof of address (ur printed address on anly formal letter will do; ie: bank statement)
- NZ$20

1. Look for the many PostShop/KiwiBank branches in NZ.
click here to find one near you!

2. Join da usually long line, wait ur turn & ask the person behind the counter for an 18+ card application form.

3. Leave the counter & fill the form up.

4. Look for a Justice of Peace & get him/her to certify tat u r truly 18 years old or above.
The Yellow Pages is very useful...
a Mr Thomas Evens can be found at the Wellington Central Library.

5. Go back to a PostShop/KiwiBank & hand in ur form with the NZ$20.

6. Wait for your card to arrive at ur stated address!

It usually takes 2 weeks.

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