Ambassadors for Christ

2 Corinthians 5:20
"Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ..."

First, an ambassador is a high ranking minister of state, often chosen from the royal family, sent to another country to represent his own nation.
We are all members of the royal family of God. There is no higher family in the universe and no greater royalty than God's family. We are chosen from the best family to represent the Lord Jesus Christ.

Second, an ambassador does not become a citizen of the country in which he is living but remains a citizen of the country he came from.
Philippians 3:20 says, "Our citizenship is in heaven." The moment, we were born again, our citizenship was changed from this world to heaven. We are truly in this world, but not of it. When Satan tries to put the sickness, disease and poverty of this world on us, we can claim diplomatic immunity.

Third, an ambassador's needs are not met by the economy of the country he is in but by the country he is from.
An ambassador does not care if the economy of the country he is in collapses; his needs are supplied from his home country. Our needs are not supplied by the KLSE or Bank Negara, but by God's riches in glory. Just like God supplies for the birds (Matt. 6:25-26). He supplies for us. Birds are not concerned about the stock averages. The did not even know the Asian Economic Crisis occurred. They ate just as well. So can we.

Fourth, ambassadors do not live under the law of the country they are in, but live by the laws of the country are from.
Our law is the "Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus" and not the "Law of Sin and Death" which is kept by the rest of mankind. The only way we can be put under the law of the world is to be ignorant of God's promises. Satan can only deceive us when we are ignorant of who we are in Christ and what our privileges are.

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