Malaysian Social Media Groups Around The World

Traveling abroad? Have questions about a foreign country? Why not ask a fellow Malaysian?

When I was living abroad, it really helped to have a community where I could share about the things that I missed from home or my delight at discovering Malaysian products in a foreign land, & find other people who fully understood the nostalgia. I didn't appreciate the simple beautiful things that made Malaysia feel like home until I was geographically kept away from it. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Having this community made me feel less alone & also allowed me to connect with fellow Malaysians living abroad. These random social media encounters would often lead to real-life meet ups at favorite makan places or durian haunts, especially when a Malaysian festival was coming up. Since there wasn't an online ledger for all of these groups, I thought that I might want to give it a try & list them here.

Share your group in the comments & I'll add them to the list!

*arranged in alphabetical order*

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