Kpg Chuweh, Gerik: The Route To Education

I was so delighted when I saw this newspaper article & the video above made by NST. No matter how long it took me to load the video above on my jungle internet connection, I waited patiently to see the Orang Asli children travel to their new school build by the villagers themselves! The school looks very impressive! Check it out!

Back in October 2014, I blogged a job offer for this very project & forwarded a few enquiries. Even though I merely helped spread the word, I feel proud to be part of such a noble project which is currently running where it is needed the most for the displaced children of Kampung Chuweh in Tasik Banding, Gerik, Perak.

This is only the first of two phases of this project. I'm not directly involved in this but I believe that they have a need for more teachers & are open to working with organisations or individuals to make a difference for the villagers in Tasik Banding.
If you would like to discuss the possibility of collaborating, you may contact me or Matthew Rickard.

Before you go to close this page, do say a 1 minute prayer for the children in this secluded school & also for the brave teachers & volunteers working in their midst.
Also, do get yourself a nostalgic pack of Horlicks which sponsored the boat for the children to get to their school.

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