Yet Another Valentine Alone

It's Valentine's day today...
In my 23 years, I've dated 3 girls, had serious long-term relationships with 2, but never got to experience Valentine's day with any of them...
Today is yet another lonely valentine, 23 out of 23...

Perhaps my first Valentine's will be with the young lady I spend my life with...
wow... that'll be worth the wait...
but still... until then...
every 14 Feb means heartache & pain...
being left-out & lonely...

At 12AM today, the single boys in my apartment got together in the living room to observe 5 mins of silence.
5 mins of silence to remember past loves & could haves, as well as to remember the many many people in the world that is miserably left out of this euphoric celebration...
Saying a silent prayer for them to let them know that they are not alone...
We are like them...
We are with them in their ommission...

Then we listened to our newly appointed official lonely song:
Padi - Masih Tetap Tersenyum

To everyone who is alone during Valentine's day, do not deny it as there are many many like you..
Listen to this song & let the painful lament of the instruments tug on the strings of your heart..
Don't keep the emotions in.. for only they make you human... embrace it.. shed a tear..

Do not be afraid to face the pain today...
For we know that those who have not this day, will have more tomorrow..
And we will love more, for we have been loved less..

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