How To Be COVID-19 Vaccinated In Just 15 Minutes

My appointment was at 11.30am. I arrived at Dewan Suarah Kota Samarahan at 10am &, by 10.15am, I was already vaccinated. Everything was organized & very professional. I never felt uncomfortable & was very confident with the way that things were run.

What I needed:
(1) My IC
(2) Smartphone with MySejahtera app installed & logged in
(3) a pen

Firstly, I checked in with the MySejahtera app with one of the many QR codes plastered all over the entrance area. Next, there was a short wait to present my IC, have my attendance taken & be given a consent form to fill.

Once the form was signed & having consented to be vaccinated, I was moved into the hall for a short wait to be entered into the system. I presented my IC & the signed consent form. Then, I scanned a QR code with the MySejahtera app & was asked a few questions like my name & profession to confirm my identity/attendance.

Later, I was waiting to be vaccinated. Inside the fully-enclosed & private booths, I scanned another QR code with the MySejahtera app to confirm that I had received the vaccine. The physician took my consent form, confirmed my name with me, & proceeded with the jab into my left arm, which took less than 10 seconds to administer. I was pleasantly surprised at how quick & seamless the entire process was.

I was given a copy of my consent form, moved on to another waiting area & gave the copy to another counter of volunteers. I had to wait 15 minutes just in case adverse symptoms manifested. Meanwhile, we were given a briefing about what to expect & other necessary information.

Alhamdulilah, I was fine so after my name was called, I collected my copy of my consent form with a vaccination reminder card stapled onto it. In & out in 30 minutes. Terbaik!

Was it painful? Yes. It was more painful than expected. My upper arm was extremely sore after the injection. Nonetheless, I still had full use of my arm. The pain subsided after 1 hour & I was completely fine after that. The chairs provided in the hall were cushioned & comfortable. The air conditioning was nice and cool too.

Overall, I had a very positive experience. I hope this sharing has allayed any doubts or fears you have about getting vaccinated. I never felt uncomfortable or unwelcome during my experience. I'm sure yours will be just as smooth, inshaallah.

A big thank you to all the medical staff, volunteers, & everyone involved. I appreciate your efforts & professionalism. God bless you & let's win this fight against COVID-19.

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