A Gift of Reading by Second Time Around Books

A Form 2 class gets the pleasure of unboxing the books given by Second Time Around Books.
In my last blog post, I wrote about a news article about me that I was displeased about. Before it was taken down, it caught the attention of a local entrepreneur. He contacted me about giving me some free English language children's books from the US.

Being very aware that my students lack quality reading material catering to their low levels of proficiency, I jumped at the opportunity.
My school library is well-managed by the teachers-in-charge but they lack the funds to splurge on quality books. They also have to cater to all the subjects taught at school.

In my 6 years of service here, I have arranged for & received book donations from only 2 parties: a female warden at UiTM Sarawak who mobilised her hostel blocks to organise a charity fund-raiser & members of the Aram Katibas! team who donated their old children's books.

However, this one from Second Time Around Books is the biggest I have ever received on behalf of my school.
When I went to collect, I only expected 1 box of books. Little did I know, they packed they packed 4 boxes full of children's books!! Susy, the lady in-charge, asked me if I wanted more & told me to take as much as I want!! How generous!!!
I was going to carry the boxes by myself all the way to my jungle school so 4 boxes was as much as I could manage. Also, I was rushing to catch the express boat at that time so I didn't have time to select & pack more books.

I had time to examine the books yesterday as I unboxed them with a class of Form 2 students. I received books at the level requested. I asked for books catering to low proficiency readers.
Simple books with lots of colourful pictures and large words. I got plenty. All of which were in good condition & had excellent content.

Second Time Around Books runs book fairs all over Sarawak. They import used books from the USA and sells them at affordable prices.
I collected the boxes they gave me at a small book fair in Sibu. The books were going for RM3-RM9. Also, there are plenty of gems in their collection: Dr Seuss, Winnie the Pooh, Disney, & so on.
They also support rural literacy initiatives in Sarawak & Sabah. They have been giving books away to rural schools & villages.

It is really an honour to meet such kind-hearted business people. I really appreciate the books & I believe that my students will greatly benefit from the extra breadth in the English book collection in the library.

If you have a collection of old children books you want to get rid off, why not donate to my jungle school? Contact me.

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