Slides from My English Language PMR Exam Talks

Here's a special treat for all the Form 3 English Language teachers!!!
Last Friday, my PK1 informed me that a school in Bintulu asked if I was available to give a talk at their school. Tonight, a colleague came to my house & confirmed the name of the school & the name of the requesting teacher. Apparently, this teacher had no idea how to contact me so she asked my friend's girlfriend to ask him if he could ask me if I would do it.
Honestly, how hard is it to Google up my name or the name of my school & find me. Jeez.
Also, how did she hear about me if not for my blog or my fb page? I would love to know.

I would prefer that people, who want me to conduct any talks, contact me directly so that we can both find out if I am really what they need.
No need to waste time & effort to go through proxies only to find out that it was all for naught.

Being invited to hold this talk & hearing its justification (teachers no experience, have no idea who to ask), really made me feel for all the teachers out there who are hungry to learn but have nowhere to go or have no idea how to use Google.
I thought about it long & hard because these slides were the fruit of a lot of hard work searching, reading, analysing, networking, begging, bribing, typing, composing, editing & revising every year.

I am not an examiner. I have never been one. But I have talked to plenty & learned from many.
Also, I have always been a proponent of sharing & have an open door policy to any teacher who seeks my counsel. Mainly because my predecessors & teachers I look up to have set a good example of generosity for me to follow.
Arthur Wee & Richard Tham amongst my most generous of contributors.

In the end, here you go... a democratisation of information.
Here are the slides I have used in 2012 to good results.
Here is 4 years worth of my experience preparing Form 3 students for PMR.
Use it as you wish but do not be selfish as I have not been selfish with you.

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