The Flower

Scheduled at 11:11 11/11/11.
hahahahaha~~ I'm such a nerd.

Anyway, after reading the abysmal entries into the karya section of my school magazine by my best students, I wrote this poem to show them how it's done.
I actually wanted to write an adorable & interesting story but, at this time of year, I am far too buzy.
If this year's magazine were to be produced late, I might actually have time to slot one in & you'll be the first to read it here on my blog! =D

Anyway, enjoy this simple & short poem.
What am I writing about? Share your thoughts!

The Flower
taken from
There is a flower particular as can be
Not a flower you’d commonly see
She beams just like the sunlight
She warms the world just right

There is also a busy bee
From work be so weary
She’ll look into his eyes
And she’ll tell him no lies

They danced in lovely weather
It’s short their time together
A moment to remember forever
Depart he wished he’d never

Though the busy bee must go
Oh how he’ll miss her so
In time they’ll meet again
In meadows and summer rain

- Mr Yong, 2011

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