How's Your Holiday?

My holiday is almost non-existent but what surprises me is my complaints are non-existent too.
I am actually enjoying life stuck here in the jungle babysitting 17YO monkeys who get on my nerves every now & then & incur the wrath of my Lvl15 Roar & Lvl20 Paralyse Pinch.

I'm still here in school instead of lounging at the Playboy mansion because my PK1 & PK HEM want to be liberated from their Penyelia Kawasan SPM duties. They wanted to selfishly enjoy the long holiday so they found 2 dumb-dumbs to replace them (they were only here for 1 week! Baskets!).
Unfortunately, I am one of the dumb-dumbs who wanted simply to invigilate the SPM exams at another ulu school I've never been to but instead, got pulled into this insignificant open the vault, give test papers to Ketua Pengawas, shake leg until end of exam, wait for KP to bring the answers, keep answers in safe & send answers to HQ once a week.

I wanted to be posted to the super ulu SMK Bellaga as a humble invigilator so I'd get to experience life there for 1 month ++. Wouldn't it be great to breathe in the super fresh air from the lungs of the Earth & hunt for my own food in the rich landscape?
Maybe I'll pull some strings to make that happen next year since I've been able to rub shoulders with several senior officials through this Penyelia Kawasan post.

Believe it or not. I was able to convert the shake leg time between giving the papers to the KP & receiving the answers into productive work time!
I spent that time patching up the piles of files of the English Language Panel (boy, what a mess!), writing reports for our multitudes of activities (what a stupid pointless thing to do! who is going to read this sheet?), finishing up & touching up the school magazine (this is actually something I like to do), learning some Bahasa Iban word/phrases (to chat up hot chicks) & coming up with a 80pg module of essay/summary/grammar/exam-based exercises for the Form 3 students next year so that each class will do the same exercises & at least go through the basic training necessary to prepare them for the PMR exams (wow~ I feel like such a good teacher with a large halo above my head).

During these holidays, I'm also preparing myself emotionally & intellectually for a gargantuan task ahead of me next year & beyond.
I will be Chief Warden as of 1 Jan 2011.
I will be tasked with carrying the torch of winning the Anugerah Seri Asrama Terbilang competition by 2012.
The previous CW did a great job & I have big shoes to fill.
It'll be interesting to see what I will bring next year & I believe I will be pleasantly surprised as always because my Lord Jesus will pull me through & help me excel beyond expectations.

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