A New Chapter Begins...

The year 2008 marks my return to Malaysia after 2 fulfilling years overseas studying in Wellington, New Zealand.

I have returned from a land of green green pastures to a developing nation requiring my services in bringing the new generation forward in their thinking as well as in their ability to use the all so international English Langauge.

At my age, I realise that my days are drawing short...
Such a transition in life, from uni to pre-working life, will definately be accompanied by many many sleepless night wondering & pondering about the short & long term future that is drawing ever closer with each passing minute...

I want every second to count...
I want so much in my life...
Am I able to be successful in my career?
Will I be able to achieve my millionaire dream?
How will I go about materialising that dream?
Will I retain my honour & integrity?
When will I get married?
Who will be my bride?
Will I be a good husband & father?
Will I be able to raise my family well?
How will I be remembered?
Can I achieve my heart's desires?

I know not what I will be...
I fantasise of sweet success...
Yet the shadow of failure draws so much more attention...

I know what I want to be...
Examining my heart...
It is all laid before me...

Will I let what I dont know defeat me?
Will the fear of dissapointment prevent me from admitting the true desires of my heart?
Shall I deny what keeps me up at night & what keeps me going when I am down?

Never! I will not act upon what I dont know...
I shall act upon what I do know...
I will work towards my goals in hope of a life & a future...

A life of breakthrough...
A life of purpose...
A life with meaning & intrinsic value...

#Here is briefly some major short & long term desires of mine heart:
- Becoming a millionaire by 40
- Fall in love with my Chinese culture
- Working in Japan
- Visiting China
- Finding my woman
- Being a man for my woman
- Do my best in everything I choose to do

Will blog about them in the near future!

Listing my heart's desires down makes them more tangible and less abstract...
I believe this is the first step to attaining them.
I encourage you to probe for your hearts desires too!

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